Barbie doll collecting has been for quite a bit 'and did many things. Everything was taken from a model, an astronaut. E 'safe to say that so popular that almost every child has at least one Barbie is. But Barbie is not just for girls, she is a doll collector. There are Barbie did for the game and we are made for collectors of Barbie.
The first thing to decide when to begin collecting Barbies, what kindWant to earn? There are thousands of different types of Barbie out there. Few people have the money or the space to collect them all. We see different types of Barbie, you can collect:
Barbie dolls. These are the dolls made before 1972nd These dolls are likely to pay more for. Some vintage Barbie can sell more than a thousand dollars. Barbie Pink Box. Pink box Barbies are the Barbies that are destined to play.They are inexpensive and can be used in abundance during your favorite toy store. Barbie Collector's Box has been designed specifically for adult collectors. They cost a bit 'more, but usually are not outrageously expensive. Collection of topics. There are many types of arguments for collectors of Barbie. There are themes of the film, with the wind or the Wizard of Oz, the celebrity subjects like Barbie gone I Lucy, holiday themes, fantasy themes of love, and the list goes on andup. Fashion Designer collection. These are the Barbie that were designed by famous designers like Bob Mackie and Christian Dior. Barbie has a condition rating system much like baseball cards. The ratings go from C1 to C10 as the best, which is the absolute most toy and looks like your dog to chew. It 'important that this classification system of the heart, if you build up some serious. It can help you determine the value of Barbie related.
Once youStart your collection of Barbie, but is also extremely important that you learn how to store them properly. Improper storage of your doll can cause irreparable damage to the doll and her clothing. L ', garage attic or basement is not the place to save your dolls. These places are not equipped with air conditioning and the fluctuation between hot and cold can damage the doll. The moisture can penetrate and cause mold and the doll may also nest building material for rats or mice to be done.
Keep in dollsclosed plastic bag or a container such as Tupperware. These containers can trap moisture and cause mold to make your dolls. Some plastic containers are gas emissions, plastics, or vinyl, and can damage paper.
Save your doll in their original boxes may seem like a good idea, but can actually damage the dolls by the acid pit. When you save your doll in the box, wrap it in acid free tissue paper first. Remove any jewelry or metal items fromDoll, because over time it will become discolored plastics.
The best place to store the dolls would be in a box or drawer in a house, a constant temperature can be maintained. Wrap everything in acid-free tissue paper before storing your doll and check at regular intervals. In proper storage conditions, your Barbie doll continues to buy like new for decades.
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