"Dear Santa, please can I have a Barbie doll for Christmas?" Barbie dolls have probably been on Christmas wish lists for several generations of girls. In fact, Barbie has become a term for many years. Who created the first concept of the Barbie doll?
The story began with the birth of Ruth Mosko in Denver Colarado in 1916. Ruth married Elliot Handler in 1938. Elliot Handler and his business partner, Harold "Matt" Matson formed the company Mattel. The name was created by aMatt combination of their names'-Ell. "Mattel originally manufactured frame, but decided after the dolls from scrap furniture, toys, Mattel for the production of concentrate is now famous.
Ruth Handler noticed her daughter Barbara little more interested in playing with dolls for adults and dolls that were available at that time. During his travels in Europe saw a German doll named Lilli, "which he bought for his daughter. The original 'Lilli' doll was not aToys for children, but a joke gift style for men.
Mattel bought the marketing rights for "Lilli". They changed the name of the Barbie doll, named after Ruth's daughter Barbara. Barbie has been released for sale in the United States in 1959 and became a bestseller. 'Ken' Barbie's boyfriend Ken was introduced 1960th was named after Ruth's son Kenneth.
The Barbie doll was first in New York International American Toy Fair March 9, 1959 displayed. This date was official BarbieBirthday. There is now a fictional biography of the life of 'Barbie' with additional family and friends created and sold as separate dolls.
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