Now is your Barbie and Ken dolls can perform and compete with pride as a showcase hand-drawn ballroom dance costumes designed for them. Barbie can slip in style in her beautiful dresses and feather boas as they dance the fox trot or waltz with her partner Ken nice. He can be made in a coordinating costume, knock the socks of a jury to be dressed. Or you can design selected Latin costumes with red roses and black eye-catching materials for burning fire a shot, danceEarth and intimidate other competitors like Barbie and Ken perform advanced tango, rumba or mambo routine.
And do not forget how much fun you can have with fringe and other embellishments as you jive and swing dance costumes to highlight their difficult steps.
The possibilities are endless! The ability to design and sew their clothes ballroom dance for Barbie and Ken, which allows you to create what you want, and here are some tips on how:
1. Start with standardBarbie and Ken dolls dressed models. You can be saved in most fabric and craft sites for internet purchase. Pay attention to sales patterns, and you can save some money. You probably will not find actual ballroom dancing doll model, but may be suitable for some clothes, or anything that you think, choose your costume ideas work.
2. Decide the style or theme of your costume. For example, when I decided to create a tango costume, I knew that I wanted to have the pants with Kena long sleeve shirt and a range of coordination. As for Barbie, I've wanted to have a long dress with ruffles at the sleeves. Knowing some special functions, like these first will help the creative process and allow you to start using your time more efficiently.
3. Think about the quality or type of material and color. For the tango costume, I took red fabrics and blacks in a variety of textures. Velvet, Nylon, Lycra and all important decisions because they heal quickly anddo not break the edges, like many other substances. They also have an excellent range of factors. Costumes with these materials are flexible and adapt well doll.
4. Be ready to change your model. It's easier if you have a model that the style you have in mind games can be found. But for me, that happens only rarely and usually only get the model, what I want. To do this, I can buy cheap muslin and experiment until it just fitright. Then I use paper for the final design, so that I can use it to return to the future.
5. Have fun with embellishments! How often do you get to sequins, decorations glamorous fringes of colored light, fluffy feathers, bright colors and materials for use in the dark? Let your imagination guide and have fun as you make your selection.
6. Remember that there is no right or wrong way, just dance costumes Barbie and Ken as long as you create content with the final product.Their unique designs are the envy of many doll enthusiasts and dance. Do not be afraid to experiment with color and texture. Sometimes accidents happen on the road, and style in an unexpected reality is better than the original. Good luck, fun and let the dance begin!
Toys InfoThanks To : Step2 Easel