I am interested in creating sites on topics primarily for small children. My first adventure is a site devoted to dollhouses.
During reaseach implementation of this site, I was blown away by the amount of information we have been obtained from the study of Barbie and other dolls.
The whole world is the only Barbie doll that every girl to have. Why? Well, over the years, Barbie has managed to remain consistent with their owners, in dress, appearancewhile maintaining its unique sweetness, the hearts of generations of young girls caught. The image on the left is the first Barbie for each (note the strong suit). If you're lucky, one of these dolls to their base, there is the possibility of happiness!
Today there are many different types of Barbie dolls available and there are collectors clubs all over the world. This is far from relatively humble beginnings in 1956 Toy Fair. Ruth wouldHandler, Barbie creator of his every thought his days creating a part of American life as it is today? Barbie was invented by Ruth Handler in 1950. Right now, most of the dolls in the adult market and were usually of cloth or paper. For a complete history of Barbie, click here.
Barbie was named after Barbara Handler, the daughter of Ruth and Elliot Handler creators. They also had a son named Ken - known!
Did you knowI know, Barbie dolls sell at a rate of 2 per second!
The most successful Barbie doll ever created Totally Hair Barbie, which introduced in 1992. sold with the hair from the top of head to toe, Totally Hair (TM) Barbie is more than 10 million €.
Barbie actually ran for president. Topics include Barbie in equality, world peace, animal kindness, education, fighting, and things-all environment that helps managers open.
Please take a look at my collection ofBarbie pretty picture. Some of these dolls are over 30 years! I also added several links at the bottom of my page for more information and pictures.
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