For one night a year all over the world children are waiting waiting for that one special moment - the arrival of Santa Claus. For weeks, even months, in some cases, the parents here, the constant 'I want this' I want "their children asked for his favorite toy this Christmas.
For most parents, however, the problem is the availability of cash. Most wait until the last weeks before Christmas, until they can afford to buy toys for their commencementChild. The problem that arises is then the low stocks of all popular toys in stores and online.
For example, the Top Ten list was the toy more 'famous toy shops Association published last month. In the list are toys like Crazy Frog The annoying thing, Barbie Magic Pegasus Princess Annika, Monopoly Here and Now board game and Bratz Rock Angelz.
If you try to find Crazy Frog The annoying thing Saturday, November 19, toy shops I, Can not print with it. A month before Christmas and the stocks are already low. In fact, toys that are not even in the Top Ten list as Sylvanian Families Willow Hall also sold in stores.
Why is that? A similar problem was also last year with the Barbie Princess and the Pauper area. Barbie Princess and the Pauper Erika was nowhere to be found in the running for the month up to Christmas. It 's just a matter of producersDo not buy enough of this toy or not the company has enough toys error?
It may be possible that the demand for certain toys like Crazy Frog The annoying thing, not Bratz Rock Angelz and Barbie Magic of Pegasus is calculated on what it actually is. This is certainly the case with the Sylvanian Family range this Christmas, do not do the twelve was the list of toys.
How do I know what's going to be visited every year? L 'Response must be based on previous years Top Toys and factors, all of these games have in common.
This year the Toy Retailers Association estimates that B Daman Tournament in September would be the most popular toy.
It was after the association of toy stores selling toys for boys between the ages of five and more than 626 million euro in the last 12 months to June 2005 and 30% of the entire toy. The most popular category Action Figures with people like Power Rangers or Star Wars under theLion shares.
He also explained that "The end of the year is expected, a strong new playground craze in the form of B-Daman (Hasbro), which reveal the other hot titles like Simpsons, Batman and brands of vehicles, all competing with strong innovation. "
This certainly seems to be the case. Star Wars is certainly hard to beat, but if a toy is advertised (as with Bratz Bratz Rock Angelz, Bratz Babyz and Bratz step-out) plan for all children andIf a child wants every other child wants the same toys.
The battle between Bratz and Barbie have been interesting. The amount of advertising for both areas as Bratz and Barbie is incredible. All this is naturally directed advertising to children. Both dolls have their main areas out for Christmas - with Bratz Rock Angelz Bratz and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus.
What will choose the girls for Christmas this year? Bratz dolls are closelydesigned and intervals Bratz Bratz Ooh La La and Step useful in certain groups and certain age groups. The Bratz dolls have created the modern "girl" in mind. Lil Bratz created for younger girls.
Funky Bratz are cool fashion clothing and accessories are Bratz out of this world. There is also a doll for each of all ethnic origins.
Barbie is on the other hand, a favorite of the old days with the girls. The Barbie doll that wasDecades and knocked Barbie from her number one will be a difficult task for the Bratz. Barbie The Princess and the Pauper area last year were fantastic and very popular. But it is known that a little 'Barbie Bratz market last year was at Christmas.
It's the same thing this year? Barbie has a fantastic selection of this year for Christmas - Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus Barbie Magic Pegasus with lines such as Princess Annika, Cloud Rayla Queen, Prince AidanBrietta and Flying Horse. If this top range last year and Barbie Bratz Rock Angelz hit, with all its fabulous accessories Bratz Rock Angelz?
Only time will tell. It 's interesting, but to see that the struggle between these two notorious puppet heated and the good thing is that most are better than the warmer areas so that our children will benefit.
You can clearly see that it appears that the low stocks of toys each year and every yearstores are running out quickly. Something must necessarily be done and one can only imagine that the problem lies in the hands of producers.
If you have a Barbie or Bratz fan, visit the authors Toy Shop ToyGrotto down big prizes and fantastic options doll (Doll individual options are available).
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